Welcome To Family Ministry

We believe that when the CHURCH and HOME partner together, our children will flourish!

Our hope is to impact a child’s world by providing a loving church community so families may find time for worship, fellowship, and prayer. We want to inspire conversations about God both at church, and at home!

Here are resources that you and your family can practice and implement. Every week we will provide a Parent Cue that will walk you through our Sunday lesson, memory verse and activities to do at home.

Child Dedications

What is a child dedication ?

Since ceremonies involving infants and children differ widely from church to church, let us explain child dedication at Free Spirit Church. It is not a Christening service or a baptism, neither is it the child’s confirmation or the public recognition of godparents. It is, as the name suggests, a dedication. The parents, in the context of the church family, dedicate their child to the Lord and themselves as parents to the raising of the child to the glory of God. In turn, the church family commits themselves to share in the task of nurturing the child “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

Church dedication of a child is not a formally commanded or described Biblical practice. It is, however, fully consistent with Scriptural principles and practices. Old Testament believers did engage in formal dedications of children, as Hannah dedicated Samuel in 1 Samuel 1:21-28. Scripture calls us to see our children as a God- given assignment (Psalm 123:3); the Lord Jesus blessed children (Matthew 19:13-15) and warned against causing them to sin (Matthew 18:6); and parents are commanded to “bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Since Christians are to live supportively and accountably in the context of the church as God’s family, this act of dedication is very appropriate in a congregational setting.

Child dedication presupposes the following

  1. The parent or parents have a personal faith in, and commitment to, Christ.

  2. The parent(s) are committed to raise their child in accordance with God’s standards. This involves a desire to see one’s child come to faith, and this implies a responsibility to pray, teach, and model the life of a Christ-follower.

  3. The parent(s) have, on their own, recognized their child as God’s gift and assignment and prayerfully entrusted their child and themselves to the Lord.

  4. The parents are committed to active participation in Midtown Church life for themselves and their child. (For this reason, we do not dedicate the children of non- participants at Midtown, except in exceptional circumstances.)